Involving residents in your apartment marketing has clear rewards. Getting them to advocate for your community boosts the quantity and quality of your leads, and tapping them to create content results in photos and videos that can be fashioned into compelling marketing materials.

So what do you do to get residents engaged? How do you let them know about ways they can get involved? And what else are you doing to make your marketing more authentic?

We asked these questions and more during this week’s #AptChat; these are the highlights. (Click on the links to jump straight to a specific question.)

What are some easy ways to get residents connected and get them involved in your community’s marketing efforts?

At #AIMConf, residents said they appreciate customer loyalty programs. What kinds of loyalty incentives work best w/ residents?

What are some ways to make sure residents know how they can get involved, earn perks, etc.? How can you market your marketing?

Is anyone tapping residents to help w/ the production of content? Instagram takeovers or anything like that? Any tips to share?

Do you include residents in property marketing photos/videos? What are other ways to make your marketing “more real”?

Our next #AptChat is slated for Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 12 pm Eastern, and we’ll be talking about Snapchat and Instagram for apartment marketing. In the meantime, be sure to sign up for #AptChat updates to get these recaps and more delivered straight to your inbox!