Our latest #AptChat was all about communicating with residents, and how much is too much. We covered different forms of resident communication, asking for resident feedback and centralized customer relationship management tools. Check out the highlights below:

Question 1: What are all the different ways you currently communicate with residents? What do you use to manage those conversations?

Question 2: How often should you ask for something from your residents? (Ratings, reviews, referrals, surveys, etc.)

Question 3: Are you using any type of tool for centralized customer relationship management (CRM)? How’s it working? If you’re not using a CRM system, is this something you’re planning to implement in the next 6-12 months? What system?

Now it’s your turn…how are you communicating with residents? Are you using any type of tool for centralized customer relationship management (CRM), or do you plan to in the near future? Leave a comment with your input!

Join our next #AptChat, a Free-For-All-Friday, on Friday, October 26 at 4pm EST.