
The Top Trends in Apartment Websites

Apartment Website Trends

The hub of your online presence is your website. But when it comes to apartments and apartment companies, websites seem to come in all shapes and sizes. Endless options. A myriad of various website providers and platforms.

With all of the different “moving pieces” that can go into your websites, we wanted to take a closer look at what you’re doing for your property websites.

What features are you adding? What is your content strategy? What types of tools are you using to manage your sites? We had questions, and as usual, you had answers … here are just a few of the highlights from the discussion.

(Hit the links to jump straight to a specific question.)

Do you have a property website, a company website with property listings, or both? Does one tend to perform better?

How often do you update your website? What types of updates are you making? Pricing? Blog posts? New photos? Landing pages?

What tool(s) do you use to maintain/update the content on your site? Is your website provided by your PM software?

We’ve all heard websites need “fresh content” for SEO. What are some examples of content that works well for apartment sites?

Are your websites utilizing responsive design for mobile devices? Do you have a separate mobile version?

How do you stay current on website trends? How often are you adding new functionality or making major design/code updates?

What are the top features that you want to add to your apartment websites? What ideas can we borrow from other industries?

Now it’s your turn. What are you doing for your property websites? Anything you’d add? What are some new features you’re trying to add to your sites? If you have a great apartment website you’d like to share with the group (even if it’s a work in progress), feel free to link it up in the comments.

Our next #AptChat will be Tuesday, March 17th at 12pm Eastern … celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with us while we discuss online ratings and reviews. In the meantime, be sure to sign up for #AptChat updates to get these recaps and more delivered straight to your inbox!

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