
Quick Social Media Wins Any Marketer Can Make Time For

Smart apartment marketers know that a strong social media presence is crucial, but many simply don’t have the time to manage numerous accounts for even one property or brand. Hence the reason we focused on quick social wins during this week’s #AptChat.

We discussed which platforms give you the most bang for your buck, how you’re getting in front of more people, and what new trends and features you’re using; these are the highlights. (Click on the links to jump straight to a specific question.)

What social media sites are you using most often in your marketing/communication efforts today?

What are some things that you make sure you do consistently to get more out of your social media? Any tips you can share?

What are some of your favorite ways to get your social content in front of residents/prospects? How do you help them find you?

What are some new ways you’re trying to use social sites? FB Groups or Marketplace? Twitter Moments? IG Stories?

Our next #AptChat is slated for Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 12 pm Eastern, and we’ll be discussing marketing best practices for acquisitions and management takeovers. In the meantime, be sure to sign up for #AptChat updates to get these recaps and more delivered straight to your inbox!

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