
Selling Your Marketing To The C-Suite

Selling your marketing efforts to the C-suite can be tricky. Clear and concise communication is just the tip of the iceberg. You also have to build trust, and prove that your work has value.

We asked our chat participants how they sell their efforts up the chain, as well as how much time and energy they’re willing to invest in new platforms.

Here are the highlights from this week’s conversation. (Hit the links to jump straight to a specific question.)

How do you sell your marketing efforts up the chain?

Would you say your C-suite sees the value of marketing? What are the top questions they typically have for marketing?

What is your C-suite asking you about your marketing? What are you doing to build trust with them?

How much do you put into newer platforms like Periscope and Snapchat, vs. sticking with tried and true platforms?

Our next #AptChat will be Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 12 pm Eastern. In the meantime, be sure to sign up for #AptChat updates to get these recaps and more delivered straight to your inbox!

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