
Keeping On-Site Teams Engaged In Your Marketing

keeping on-site teams engaged in your marketing

Marketing should be a team sport, so to speak. Your strategies and campaigns shouldn’t be developed without input from on-site teams, who are your eyes and ears at a property.

What they see and hear can not only improve your resident communication and customer experience, it can also give you loads of great content ideas. For tips about engaging your on-site teams, check out our latest #AptChat; these are the highlights. (Click on the links to jump straight to a specific question.)

Maintenance teams are often the most visible staff on-site. What are some ways to keep them aware of current marketing/events?

What are some ways to incorporate your marketing into regular maintenance workflows and resident communication?

Some pretty big changes are coming to #AptChat! To get the inside scoop, be sure to join our Facebook group.

Our next #AptChat is slated for Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 12 pm Eastern. In the meantime, be sure to sign up for #AptChat updates to get recaps and more delivered straight to your inbox!

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