
Free-For-All Friday!

Typically, a Free-For-All Friday means that we don’t come to the discussion with any particular topics in mind, but this past week, there was an interesting debate about call centers over on Lisa’s Apartment Expert Facebook page. Mark Juleen noted another call center discussion over at Multifamily Insiders, so we led off #AptChat by throwing the question to the group. Other topics discussed included concessions, human directionals and resident referral programs. It’s good to see that you don’t have strong opinions on any of these subjects.

Are call centers good? Do you like them?

What about ‘culture’? Can a call center communicate the ‘culture’ of your sites?

Even more comments on Call Centers:

There were a few questions about companies that have successfully implemented internal call centers, with Equity, AIMCO and Mid-America all used as positive examples.

The conversation then moved to live chat, and there were strong opinions on this subject, too:

Who has kicked butt with resident referral programs? What’s made it successful? (Asked by Bob Gura)

Other noteworthy comments from the chat:

As you can imagine, this edition of #AptChat was a lot of fun for everyone. (This week’s stats: 512 tweets from 63 different contributors.) I couldn’t get all the great comments in the recap, so make sure you check out the full transcript when you get a chance.

So what do you think? Are you for or against outside call centers? If you’re using one now, or have used a call center in the past, what has been your experience? What are some of your best resident referral ideas? It’s your turn to show off … tell us what you know in the comments!

Have a topic you’d like to discuss on a future #AptChat? Tell us about it!

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