
2016 MFE Multifamily Executive Conference

The theme of next week’s MFE Multifamily Executive Conference is “Operational Excellence,” so it seemed particularly timely to discuss how marketing and operations folks can collaborate effectively.

To learn how these two teams typically communicate, what questions ops asks most and more, check out the highlights from our latest #AptChat. (Click on the links to jump straight to a specific question.)

How does your marketing team collaborate with your operations folks in your company? What does that communication look like?

How do you gather/share information about resident wants and consumer trends that impact your properties? Who leads that?

What kind of questions do you get from Ops? What are they expecting from Marketing? What can we be doing to best serve them?

Let’s talk new developments: How early should marketing be involved? What kind of input should mktg provide for a new build?

What are the most important metrics/terms we need to know as marketers to effectively communicate with Ops?

Our next #AptChat is slated for Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 12 pm Eastern, and we’ll be discussing outreach marketing for apartments in a digital world. In the meantime, be sure to sign up for #AptChat updates to get these recaps and more delivered straight to your inbox!

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