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#AptChat on Twitter

#AptChat is the weekly Apartment Chat that takes place on Twitter every Tuesday at 12pm Eastern. It is an open forum to discuss the hottest trends and topics impacting the apartment industry ... anyone is welcome to join the conversation. Sign up for #AptChat updates to get discussion highlights and more delivered straight to your […]


#AptChat on Twitter

#AptChat is the weekly Apartment Chat that takes place on Twitter every Tuesday at 12pm Eastern. It is an open forum to discuss the hottest trends and topics impacting the apartment industry ... anyone is welcome to join the conversation. Sign up for #AptChat updates to get discussion highlights and more delivered straight to your […]

MFE Conference

The multifamily industry is soaring high above the clouds. But as we survey the horizon from up here at the market’s peak, there’s never been a more crucial time to anticipate the challenges ahead and future-proof your business. At the 2015 Multifamily Executive Conference—the apartment industry’s most valuable educational and networking conference—the sector’s top thought […]


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