From the event website:
Multifamily executives face a tipping point, one that will test their readiness for both new opportunities and challenges to continued growth. Using past lessons and predictive technologies as guides, how will the apartment industry’s leaders prepare their enterprises to capitalize on opportunities that arise in the months ahead while remaining resilient to potential setbacks?
Join us in our intimate, peer‐to‐peer leadership setting to explore what’s ahead, and to set priorities for managing, and devising strategies for, the industry’s near‐term future.
At the 2017 Multifamily Executive Leadership Summit, a select group of the industry’s top owners, developers, and managers will start a dialogue about what constitutes “a clear signal” versus “just noise” in terms of investment planning, development processes, and NOI projections. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with your peers at the industry’s most exclusive, intimate, and important networking retreat.