
Customer Relationship Management Tools

customer relationship management tools

Current customers and leads are tracked with property management software, non-industry specific tools like Salesforce, good ol’ fashioned Excel spreadsheets, or some combination thereof. The goal is to improve follow-up, data collection, internal communication and processes, but system integration and customization are often difficult, if not impossible.

How do marketers and on-site teams deal? What features would their ideal multifamily CRM have? Check out the highlights from this week’s #AptChat. (Click on the links to jump straight to a specific question.)

How do you keep track of your leads and current customers today? Through your prop mgmt software? A 3rd-party tool? Excel?

What are the benefits of using a CRM system? Does it improve follow-up? Improve internal communication?

What are some key things to consider for a CRM/LM? What do you need to know before going in? What should you be looking for?

If you could design your ideal multifamily CRM today, what key features would it have? What would it *have to* do?

What do corp marketers need to better understand about their on-site teams and their renter prospects to make CRM work better?

Our next #AptChat is slated for Tuesday, April 25, 2017 at 12 pm Eastern, and we’ll be discussing what can be gleaned from digging deep into prospect data. In the meantime, be sure to sign up for #AptChat updates to get these recaps and more delivered straight to your inbox!

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